Nalu Input File

Nalu requires the user to provide an input file, in YAML format, during invocation at the command line using the naluX -i flag. By default, naluX will look for nalu.i in the current working directory to determine the mesh file as well as the run setup for execution. A sample nalu.i is shown below:

Listing 1 Sample Nalu input file for the Heat Conduction problem
# -*- mode: yaml -*-
# Example Nalu input file for a heat conduction problem

  - name: sim1
    time_integrator: ti_1
    optimizer: opt1

  - name: solve_scalar
    type: tpetra
    method: gmres 
    preconditioner: sgs 
    tolerance: 1e-3
    max_iterations: 75 
    kspace: 75 
    output_level: 0


  - name: realm_1
    mesh: periodic3d.g
    use_edges: no 
    automatic_decomposition_type: rcb

      name: theEqSys
      max_iterations: 2 
        temperature: solve_scalar
        - HeatConduction:
            name: myHC
            max_iterations: 1
            convergence_tolerance: 1e-5


      - constant: ic_1
        target_name: block_1
         temperature: 10.0

      target_name: block_1
        - name: density
          type: constant
          value: 1.0
        - name: thermal_conductivity
          type: constant
          value: 1.0
        - name: specific_heat
          type: constant
          value: 1.0


    - wall_boundary_condition: bc_left
      target_name: surface_1
        temperature: 20.0

    - wall_boundary_condition: bc_right
      target_name: surface_2
        temperature: 40.0

      name: myOptions

      use_consolidated_solver_algorithm: yes

      - element_source_terms:
          temperature: FEM_DIFF

      output_data_base_name: femHC.e
      output_frequency: 10
      output_node_set: no 
       - dual_nodal_volume
       - temperature

  - StandardTimeIntegrator:
      name: ti_1
      start_time: 0
      termination_step_count: 25 
      time_step: 10.0 
      time_stepping_type: fixed
      time_step_count: 0
      second_order_accuracy: no

        - realm_1

Nalu input file contains the following top-level sections that describe the simulation to be executed.


Realms describe the computational domain (via mesh input files) and the set of physics equations (Low-Mach Navier-Stokes, Heat Conduction, etc.) that are solved over this particular domain. The list can contain multiple computational domains (realms) that use different meshes as well as solve different sets of physics equations and interact via solution transfer. This section also contains information regarding the initial and boundary conditions, solution output and restart options, the linear solvers used to solve the linear system of equations, and solution options that govern the discretization of the equation set.

A special case of a realm instance is the input-output realm; this realm type does not solve any physics equations, but instead serves one of the following purposes:

  • provide time-varying boundary conditions to one or more boundaries within one or more of the participating realms in the simulations. In this context, it acts as an input realm.
  • extract a subset of data for output at a different frequency from the other realms. In this context, it acts as an output realm.

Inclusion of an input/output realm will require the user to provide the additional transfers section in the Nalu input file that defines the solution fields that are transferred between the realms. See Physics Realm Options for detailed documentation on all Realm options.

Linear Solvers

This section configures the solvers and preconditioners used to solve the resulting linear system of equations within Nalu. The linear system convergence tolerance and other controls are set here and can be used with multiple systems across different realms. See Linear Solvers for more details.

Time Integrators

This section configures the time integration scheme used (first/second order in time), the duration of simulation, fixed or adaptive timestepping based on Courant number constraints, etc. Each time integration section in this list can accept one or more realms that are integrated in time using that specific time integration scheme. See Time Integration Options for complete documentation of all time integration options available in Nalu.


An optional section that defines one or more solution transfer definitions between the participating realms during the simulation. Each transfer definition provides a mapping of the to and from realm, part, and the solution field that must be transferred at every timestep during the simulation. See Transfers section for complete documentation of all transfer options available in Nalu.


Simulations provides the top-level architecture that orchestrates the time-stepping across all the realms and the required equation sets.

Linear Solvers

The linear_solvers section contains a list of one or more linear solver settings that specify the solver, preconditioner, convergence tolerance for solving a linear system. Every entry in the YAML list will contain the following entries:


The variable in the linear_solvers subsection are prefixed with but only the variable name after the period should appear in the input file.

The key used to refer to the linear solver configuration in equation_systems.solver_system_specification section.


The type of solver library used. Currently only one option (tpetra) is supported.


The solver used for solving the linear system. Valid options are: gmres, biCgStab, cg.


The type of preconditioner used. Valid options are sgs, mt_sgs, muelu.


The relative tolerance used to determine convergence of the linear system.


Maximum number of linear solver iterations performed.


The Krylov vector space.


Verbosity of output from the linear solver during execution.


Only used when the linear_solvers.preconditioner is set to muelu and specifies the path to the XML filename that contains various configuration parameters for Trilinos MueLu package.


A boolean flag indicating whether the matrix, the right hand side, and the solution vector are written to files during execution. The matrix files are written in MatrixMarket format. The default value is no.


A boolean flag indicating whether preconditioner is recomputed during runs. The default value is yes.


Boolean flag. Default value is no.


Boolean flag indicating whether MueLu timer summary is printed. Default value is no.

Time Integration Options


A list of time-integration options used to advance the realms in time. Each list entry must contain a YAML mapping with the key indicating the type of time integrator. Currently only one option, StandardTimeIntegrator is available.

  - StandardTimeIntegrator:
      name: ti_1
      start_time: 0.0
      termination_step_count: 10
      time_step: 0.5
      time_stepping_type: fixed
      time_step_count: 0
      second_order_accuracy: yes

        - fluids_realm

The lookup key for this time integration entry. This name must match the one provided in Simulations section.


Nalu will stop the simulation once the termination_time has reached.


Nalu will stop the simulation once the specified termination_step_count timesteps have been completed. If both time_int.termination_time and this parameter are provided then this parameter will prevail.


The time step (\(\Delta t\)) used for the simulation. If time_int.time_stepping_type is fixed this value does not change during the simulation.


The starting time step (default: 0.0) when starting a new simulation. Note that this has no effect on restart which is controlled by restart.restart_time in the restart section.


The starting timestep counter for a new simulation. See restart for restarting from a previous simulation.


A boolean flag indicating whether second-order time integration scheme is activated. Default: no.


One of fixed or adaptive indicating whether a fixed time-stepping scheme or an adaptive timestepping scheme is used for simulations. See time_step_control for more information on max Courant number based adaptive time stepping.


A list of realms names. The names entered here must match name used in the realms section. Names listed here not found in realms list will trigger an error, while realms not included in this list but present in realms will not be initialized and silently ignored. This can cause the code to abort if the user attempts to access the specific realm in the transfers section.

Physics Realm Options

As mentioned previously, realms is a YAML list data structure containing at least one Physics Realm Options entry that defines the computational domain (provided as an Exodus-II mesh), the set of physics equations that must be solved over this domain, along with the necessary initial and boundary conditions. Each list entry is a YAML dictionary mapping that is described in this section of the manual. The key subsections of a Realm entry in the input file are

Realm subsection Purpose
equation_systems Set of physics equations to be solved
initial_conditions Initial conditions for the various fields
boundary_conditions Boundary condition for the different fields
material_properties Material properties (e.g., fluid density, viscosity etc.)
solution_options Discretization options
output Solution output options (file, frequency, etc.)
restart Optional: Restart options (restart time, checkpoint frequency etc.)
time_step_control Optional: Parameters determining variable timestepping

In addition to the sections mentioned in the table, there are several additional sections that could be present depending on the specific simulation type and post-processing options requested by the user. A brief description of these optional sections are provided below:

Realm subsection Purpose
turbulence_averaging Generate statistics for the flow field
post_processing Extract integrated data from the simulation
solution_norm Compare the solution error to a reference solution
data_probes Extract data using probes
actuator Model turbine blades/tower using actuator lines
abl_forcing Pressure source term to drive ABL flows to a desired velocity profile

Common options


The name of the realm. The name provided here is used in the Time_Integrators section to determine the time-integration scheme used for this computational domain.


The name of the Exodus-II mesh file that defines the computational domain for this realm. Note that only the base name (i.e., without the .NPROCS.IPROC suffix) is provided even for simulations using previously decomposed mesh/restart files.


Used only for parallel runs, this indicates how the a single mesh database must be decomposed amongst the MPI processes during initialization. This option should not be used if the mesh has already been decomposed by an external utility. Possible values are:

Value Description
rcb recursive coordinate bisection
rib recursive inertial bisection
linear elements in order first n/p to proc 0, next to proc 1.
cyclic elements handed out to id % proc_count

A boolean flag indicating whether an extra element is ghosted across the processor boundaries. The default value is no.


A boolean flag indicating whether edge based discretization scheme is used instead of element based schemes. The default value is no.


An integer value indicating the polynomial order used for higher-order mesh simulations. The default value is 1. When polynomial_order is greater than 1, the Realm has the capability to promote the mesh to higher-order during initialization.


An integer value indicating how often this realm is solved during time integration. The default value is 1.


A boolean flag indicating whether restarts are allowed from files where the necessary field states are missing. A typical situation is when the simulation is restarted using second-order time integration but the restart file was created using first-order time integration scheme.


A boolean flag indicating whether memory diagnostics are activated during simulation. Default value is no.


A boolean flag indicating whether node balancing is performed during simulations. See also balance_node_iterations and balance_nodes_target.


The frequency at which node rebalancing is performed. Default value is 5.


The target balance ratio. Default value is 1.0.

Equation Systems


equation_systems subsection defines the physics equation sets that are solved for this realm and the linear solvers used to solve the different linear systems.


The variable in the equation_systems subsection are prefixed with but only the variable name after the period should appear in the input file.

A string indicating the name used in log messages etc.


The maximum number of non-linear iterations performed during a timestep that couples the different equation systems.


A mapping containing field_name: linear_solver_name that determines the linear solver used for solving the linear system. Example:

  pressure: solve_continuity
  enthalpy: solve_scalar
  velocity: solve_scalar

The above example indicates that the linear systems for the enthalpy and momentum (velocity) equations are solved by the linear solver corresponding to the tag solve_scalar in the linear_systems entry, whereas the continuity equation system (pressure Poisson solve) should be solved using the linear solver definition corresponding to the tag solve_continuity.

A list of equation systems to be solved within this realm. Each entry is a YAML mapping with the key corresponding to a pre-defined equation system name that contains additional parameters governing the solution of this equation set. The predefined equation types are

Equation system Description
LowMachEOM Low-Mach Momentum and Continuity equations
Enthalpy Energy equations
ShearStressTransport \(k-\omega\) SST equation set
TurbKineticEnergy TKE equation system
MassFraction Mass Fraction
MixtureFraction Mixture Fraction
MeshDisplacement Arbitrary Mesh Displacement

An example of the equation system definition for ABL precursor simulations is shown below:

# Equation systems example for ABL precursor simulations
  - LowMachEOM:
      name: myLowMach
      max_iterations: 1
      convergence_tolerance: 1.0e-5
  - TurbKineticEnergy:
      name: myTke
      max_iterations: 1
      convergence_tolerance: 1.0e-2
  - Enthalpy:
      name: myEnth
      max_iterations: 1
      convergence_tolerance: 1.0e-2

Initial conditions


The initial_conditions sub-sections defines the conditions used to initialize the computational fields if they are not provided via the mesh file. Two types of field initializations are currently possible:

  • constant - Initialize the field with a constant value throughout the domain;
  • user_function - Initialize the field with a pre-defined user function.

The snippet below shows an example of both options available to initialize the various computational fields used for ABL simulations. In this example, the pressure and turbulent kinetic energy fields are initialized using a constant value, whereas the velocity field is initialized by the user function boundary_layer_perturbation that imposes sinusoidal fluctations over a velocity field to trip the flow.

  - constant: ic_1
    target_name: [fluid_part]
      pressure: 0.0
      turbulent_ke: 0.1

  - user_function: ic_2
    target_name: [fluid_part]
      velocity: boundary_layer_perturbation
      velocity: [1.0,0.0075398,0.0075398,50.0,8.0]

This input parameter serves two purposes: 1. it indicates the type (constant), and 2. provides the custom name for this condition. In addition to the initial_conditions.target_name this section requires another entry value that contains the mapping of (field_name, value) as shown in the above example.


Indicates that this block of YAML input must be parsed as input for a user defined function.


A list of element blocks (parts) where this initial condition must be applied.

Boundary Conditions


This subsection of the physics Realm contains a list of boundary conditions that must be used during the simulation. Each entry of this list is a YAML mapping entry with the key of the form <type>_boundary_condition where the available types are:

  • inflow
  • open – Outflow BC
  • wall
  • symmetry
  • periodic
  • non_conformal – e.g., BC across sliding mesh interfaces
  • overset – overset mesh assembly description

All BC types require bc.target_name that contains a list of side sets where the specified BC is to be applied. Additional information necessary for certain BC types are provided by a sub-dictionary with the key <type>_user_data: that contains the parameters necessary to initialize a specific BC type.


A list of side set part names where the given BC type must be applied. If a single string value is provided, it is converted to a list internally during input file processing phase.

Inflow Boundary Condition

- inflow_boundary_condition: bc_inflow
  target_name: inlet
    velocity: [0.0,0.0,1.0]

Open Boundary Condition

- open_boundary_condition: bc_open
  target_name: outlet
    velocity: [0,0,0]
    pressure: 0.0

Wall Boundary Condition


This subsection contains specifications as to whether wall models are used, or how to treat the velocity at the wall when there is mesh motion.

The following code snippet shows an example of using an ABL wall function at the terrain during ABL simulations. See ABL Wall Function for more details on the actual implementation.

# Wall boundary condition example for ABL terrain modeling
- wall_boundary_condition: bc_terrain
  target_name: terrain
    velocity: [0,0,0]
    use_abl_wall_function: yes
    heat_flux: 0.0
    roughness_height: 0.2
    gravity_vector_component: 3
    reference_temperature: 300.0

When there is mesh motion involved the wall boundary must specify a user function to determine relative velocity at the surface.

# Wall boundary specification with mesh motion
- wall_boundary_condition: bc_cylinder
  target_name: cylinder_wall
      velocity: wind_energy
      velocity: [cylinder]

The misnomer wind_energy is a pre-defined user function that provides the correct velocity at the wall accounting for relative mesh motion with respect to fluid and doesn’t specifically deal with any wind energy simulation. The user_function_string_parameters contains a YAML mapping of fields, e.g. velocity, to the list of names provided in the soln_opts.mesh_motion entry in the solution_options section.

Example of wall boundary with a custom user function for temperature at the wall

- wall_boundary_condition: bc_6
  target_name: surface_6
     temperature: steady_2d_thermal

Symmetry Boundary Condition

Requires no additional input other than bc.target_name.

- symmetry_boundary_condition: bc_top
   target_name: top

Periodic Boundary Condition

Unlike the other BCs described so far, the parameter bc.target_name behaves differently for the periodic BC. This parameter must be a list containing exactly two entries: the boundary face pair where periodicity is enforced. The nodes on these planes must coincide after translation in the direction of periodicity. This BC also requires a periodic_user_data section that specifies the search tolerance for locating node pairs.

- periodic_boundary_condition: bc_east_west
    target_name: [east, west]
      search_tolerance: 0.0001

Non-Conformal Boundary

Like the periodic BC, the parameter bc.target_name must be a list with exactly two entries that specify the boundary plane pair forming the non-conformal boundary.

- non_conformal_boundary_condition: bc_left
  target_name: [surface_77, surface_7]
    expand_box_percentage: 10.0

Material Properties


The section provides the properties required for various physical quantities during the simulation. A sample section used for simulating ABL flows is shown below

  target_name: [fluid_part]

   universal_gas_constant: 8314.4621
   reference_pressure: 101325.0

    - species_name: Air
      mw: 29.0
      mass_fraction: 1.0

    - name: density
      type: constant
      value: 1.178037722969475
    - name: viscosity
      type: constant
      value: 1.6e-5
    - name: specific_heat
      type: constant
      value: 1000.0

A list of element blocks (parts) where the material properties are applied. This list should ideally include all the parts that are referenced by initial_conditions.target_name.


Values for several constants used during the simulation. Currently the following properties are defined:

Name Description
universal_gas_constant Ideal gas constant \(R\)
reference_temperature Reference temperature for simulations
reference_pressure Reference pressure for simulations

Provides material properties for the different species involved in the simulation.

Name Description
species_name Name used to lookup properties
mw Molecular weight
mass_fraction Mass fraction

A list of material properties with the following parameters

The name used for lookup, e.g., density, viscosity, etc.


The type can be one of the following

Type Description
constant Constant value property
polynomial Property determined by a polynomial function
ideal_gas_t Function of \(T_\mathrm{ref}\), \(P_\mathrm{ref}\), molecular weight
ideal_gas_t_p Function of \(T_\mathrm{ref}\), pressure, molecular weight
hdf5table Lookup from an HDF5 table
mixture_fraction Property determined by the mixture fraction


  1. Specification for density as a function of temperature

       - name: density
         type: ideal_gas_t
  2. Specification of viscosity as a function of temperature

    - name: viscosity
      type: polynomial
       - species_name: Air
         coefficients: [1.7894e-5, 273.11, 110.56]

    The species_name must correspond to the entry in reference quantitites to lookup molecular weight information.

  3. Specification via hdf5table

      table_file_name: SLFM_CGauss_C2H4_ZMean_ZScaledVarianceMean_logChiMean.h5
        - name: density
          type: hdf5table
          independent_variable_set: [mixture_fraction, scalar_variance, scalar_dissipation]
          table_name_for_property: density
          table_name_for_independent_variable_set: [ZMean, ZScaledVarianceMean, ChiMean]
          aux_variables: temperature
          table_name_for_aux_variables: temperature
        - name: viscosity
          type: hdf5table
          independent_variable_set: [mixture_fraction, scalar_variance, scalar_dissipation]
          table_name_for_property: mu
          table_name_for_independent_variable_set: [ZMean, ZScaledVarianceMean, ChiMean]
  4. Specification via mixture_fraction

      target_name: block_1
        - name: density
          type: mixture_fraction
          primary_value: 0.163e-3
          secondary_value: 1.18e-3
        - name: viscosity
          type: mixture_fraction
          primary_value: 1.967e-4
          secondary_value: 1.85e-4

Output Options


Specifies the frequency of output, the output database name, etc.


  output_data_base_name: out/ABL.neutral.e
  output_frequency: 100
  output_node_set: no
   - velocity
   - pressure
   - temperature

The name of the output Exodus-II database. Can specify a directory relative to the run directory, e.g., out/nalu_results.e. The directory will be created automatically if one doesn’t exist. Default: output.e


Nalu will write the output file every output_frequency timesteps. Note that currently there is no option to output results at a specified simulation time. Default: 1.


Nalu will start writing output past the output_start timestep. Default: 0.


Force output at a specified wall-clock time in seconds.


Boolean flag indicating whether nodesets, if present, should be output to the output file along with element blocks.


Integer value indicating the compression level used. Default: 0.


A list of field names to be output to the database. The field variables can be node or element based quantities.

Restart Options


This section manages the restart for this realm object.


The filename for restart. Like output, the filename can contain a directory and it will be created if not already present.


If this variable is present, it indicates that the current run will restart from a previous simulation. This requires that the mesh be a restart file with all the fields necessary for the equation sets defined in the Nalu will restart from the closest time available in the mesh to restart_time. The timesteps available in a restart file can be examined by looking at the time_whole variable using the ncdump utility.


The restart database used for restarting a simulation is the mesh parameter. The restart_data_base_name parameter is used exclusively for outputs.


The frequency at which restart files are written to the disk. Default: 500 timesteps.


Nalu will write a restart file after restart_start timesteps have elapsed.


Force writing of restart file after specified wall-clock time in seconds.


A boolean flag indicating whether nodesets are output to the restart database.


Default: 100,000.


Compression level. Default: 0.

Time-step Control Options


This optional section specifies the adpative time stepping parameters used if time_int.time_stepping_type is set to adaptive.

  target_courant: 2.0
  time_step_change_factor: 1.2

Maximum Courant number allowed during the simulation. Default: 1.0


Maximum allowable increase in dt over a given timestep.

Turbulence averaging


turbulence_averaging subsection defines the turbulence post-processing quantities and averaging procedures. A sample section is shown below

  time_filter_interval: 100000.0


    - name: turbulence_postprocessing
      target_name: interior
        - velocity

        - velocity
        - resolved_turbulent_ke

      compute_tke: yes
      compute_reynolds_stress: yes
      compute_q_criterion: yes
      compute_vorticity: yes
      compute_lambda_ci: yes


The variable in the turbulence_averaging subsection are prefixed with but only the variable name after the period should appear in the input file.


Number indicating the time filter size over which calculate the running average. The current implementation of the running average in Nalu uses a “sawtooth” average. The running average is set to zero each time the time filter width is reached and a new average is calculated for the next time interval.


A list of turbulence postprocessing properties with the following parameters

The name used for lookup and logging.


A list of element blocks (parts) where the turbulence averaging is applied.


A list of field names to be averaged.


A list of field names to be Favre averaged.


A boolean flag indicating whether the turbulent kinetic energy is computed. The default value is no.


A boolean flag indicating whether the reynolds stress is computed. The default value is no.


A boolean flag indicating whether the Favre stress is computed. The default value is no.


A boolean flag indicating whether the Favre stress is computed. The default value is no.


A boolean flag indicating whether the q-criterion is computed. The default value is no.


A boolean flag indicating whether the vorticity is computed. The default value is no.


A boolean flag indicating whether the Lambda2 vorticity criterion is computed. The default value is no.

Data probes


data_probes subsection defines the data probes. A sample section is shown below


  output_frequency: 100

  search_method: stk_octree
  search_tolerance: 1.0e-3
  search_expansion_factor: 2.0

    - name: probe_bottomwall
      from_target_part: bottomwall

        - name: probe_bottomwall
          number_of_points: 100
          tip_coordinates: [-6.39, 0.0, 0.0]
          tail_coordinates: [4.0, 0.0, 0.0]

        - field_name: tau_wall
          field_size: 1
        - field_name: pressure

    - name: probe_profile
      from_target_part: interior

        - name: probe_profile
          number_of_points: 100
          tip_coordinates: [0, 0.0, 0.0]
          tail_coordinates: [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]

        - field_name: velocity
          field_size: 3
        - field_name: reynolds_stress
          field_size: 6


The variable in the data_probes subsection are prefixed with but only the variable name after the period should appear in the input file.


Integer specifying the frequency of output.


String specifying the search method for finding nodes to transfer field quantities to the data probe lineout.


Number specifying the search tolerance for locating nodes.


Number specifying the factor to use when expanding the node search.


A list of data probe properties with the following parameters

The name used for lookup and logging.


A list of element blocks (parts) where to do the data probing.


A list specifications defining the lineout

Parameter Description
name File name (without extension) for the data probe
number_of_points Number of points along the lineout
tip_coordinates List containing the coordinates for the start of the lineout
tail_coordinates List containing the coordinates for the end of the lineout

A list of field names (and field size) to be probed.



post_processing subsection defines the different post-processign options. A sample section is shown below


- type: surface
  physics: surface_force_and_moment
  output_file_name: results/wallHump.dat
  frequency: 100
  parameters: [0,0]
  target_name: bottomwall


The variable in the post_processing subsection are prefixed with but only the variable name after the period should appear in the input file.


Type of post-processing. Possible values are:

Value Description
surface Post-processing of surface quantities

Physics to be post-processing. Possible values are:

Value Description
surface_force_and_moment Calculate surface forces and moments
surface_force_and_moment_wall_function Calculate surface forces and moments when using a wall function

String specifying the output file name.


Integer specifying the frequency of output.


Parameters for the physics function. For the surface_force_and_moment type functions, this is a list specifying the centroid coordinates used in the moment calculation.


A list of element blocks (parts) where to do the post-processing



Transfers section describes the search and mapping operations to be performed between participating realms within a simulation.



This is the top-level section that orchestrates the entire execution of Nalu.